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Take a Deep Breath

Thanks to a $56,000 ventilation system, fine dining welcomes back Parisians at Alain Ducasse’s Allard

Au Revoir, Le Caprice

The fashionable London restaurant—whose regulars have included Lady Di, Vivienne Westwood, and Mick Jagger—won’t be reopening after lockdown

Hunger Games

Despite the pandemic, enterprising young chef Alexia Duchêne is determined to keep Parisians well fed

Is This New York’s Best Pizza Right Now?

A critic discovers a four-star chef making mouthwatering takeout in Little Italy

Julie Jones

The British baker’s artistic confections are inspiring isolated amateurs around the world

Is This the World’s Most Popular Rosé?

Developed specifically to be drunk with ice, this wine might just save France’s post-coronavirus vineyards

Finding the Opening in Closure

Although the celebrated River Café’s doors are temporarily shut, with a little imagination we can still taste the deliciousness

Much-Kneaded Relief

Suddenly, we’re all … making our own bread? These days, carbo-loading is the yeast of our worries

Chef’s Surprise

The secret ingredient to a memorable dinner party

Bordeaux Is Getting Crushed

Shifting tastes drive a drastic plummet in sales

Pantries in a Twist

At 60, the glamorous gourmande Nigella Lawson has taken herself off the boil

A Very Air Mail Holiday

Monkey Bar’s Mountain Frost Punch

A Very Air Mail Holiday

Alessandra Stanley’s ideal salmon canapé

House Wine!

The smart (and cheapish) way to create a great home cellar

A Very Air Mail Dinner Surprise

Frank Bruni’s perfect meat loaf

A Very Air Mail Holiday

The Kentucky Cardinal cocktail

Where Divas Dare to Dine

He’s eaten at many of the world’s great restaurants. Yet, one table has long eluded this writer: the Metropolitan Opera’s employees-only cafeteria

A Very Ruthie Rogers Holiday

For the impresario of London’s River Café, Christmas requires bollito misto, ample margaritas, and as many friends and family members as possible

A Very Air Mail Holiday

Anne McNally’s roast chicken

What’s Michelin Got to Do with It?

In the kitchen at Comice, one of the most ambitious new restaurants in Paris, at the height of inspection season

Cryogenically Frozen Pizza

Good news: fresh Neapolitan pies can now travel great distances intact. Dig in

Salina’s Most Wanted

Gen Y chef Martina Caruso is earning international acclaim for her cuisine at Hotel Signum

Pasta Putin-esca

Syrian candy and North Korean kimchi: Moscow adds Stalinist spice to its cuisine

Renaissance Fare

A 1518 receipt supports the claim that La Campana in Rome, favored by Caravaggio and Keith Richards, is the world’s oldest restaurant