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In This Week’s Issue

Issue No. 42

The View from Here

What if we crowned Joe Biden as our queen?…

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No Privacy, Please Meghan puts her rift with her father on trial in a splashy court battle against the press

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The $93 Billion Man Bill Gates on the race for a vaccine, the need for cooperation across borders, and what he misses most under lockdown

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Egomania Quarantine has changed a lot about the world, but when it comes to posting photos on Instagram, it’s still a narcissist’s game

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Small Talk

Back Despite Popular Demand!

Uprising, Interrupted The pandemic forced global protest movements into lockdown. But how long until they bust out?

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Small Talk

Movieland’s Most Threatening Cliff-Hanger A pandemic has shut down the dream factory. Will it survive? As the weeks grind on, some fear it may not

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You Look Stimmmmulus!

In 2017, Louise Linton, the wife of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, posted a photo on Instagram of herself strutting off a government jet. (She also tagged the designers she was wearing.) Recently, her husband claimed that a $1,200 stimulus check will last the average American 10 weeks. Maybe—if you’re wasting it on dumb things like … food! But if you want to rock the Full Louise, it’s not going to get you anywhere near where you want to go.

Found in Translation How did a now forgotten masterpiece of American literature become so beloved by Italians?

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What a Wonderful World (Wide Web) A new digital exhibition takes you inside Louis Armstrong’s living room

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Small Talk
“How’s this? ‘Employee grants to Company, throughout the universe, the omniverse, including all fictional universes or parallel universes yet to be discovered, and even in the event of time travel or other space-time-continuum-disrupting technology, all rights to all things from the dawn of time until forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.’”

Triumph of the Willing On the 75th anniversary of Hitler’s defeat, what can William Shirer’s epic history, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, teach us about today?

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Virtual Must-Sees

The Pumping Station Ryan Murphy’s new series is a seamy fantasy of postwar Hollywood—and the garage owner who serviced the stars

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Open Book

Pool Party! A new book captures the enduring allure of swimming pools

Small Talk
“That one is for the Pharaoh, and that one is for his cat.”

The Chiffon Trenches

by André Leon Talley
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Has China Won?: The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy

by Kishore Mahbubani
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Good Boy: My Life in Seven Dogs

by Jennifer Finney Boylan
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Miranda, Countess of Stockton When she married Peter Sellers, at 23, her two Pekingese dogs (Tabitha and Tomasina) served as bridesmaids

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“I wouldn’t say they were dressed like I dress. They dress a little bit less—like in a T-shirt, right? And they had very thick glasses, for the most part. But they were super-brilliant people. Jared really led that charge. Incredible. Brilliantly. He may be my son-in-law, but he is a brilliant person, as they all understand.”

—Donald Trump, about the team tasked with bringing ventilators to America and the world

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Usually, when I look out this window next to my drawing table, the fire escape somehow disappears. All I focus on are the kids on the playground arcing the ball toward the basketball hoop. But now, six weeks into studio isolation, the bars on the fire escape have an inescapable physical presence, and the kids no presence at all. Weirdly, as I painted this scene, the bars made this mundane streetscape on West 90th more and more beautiful to me.
Is Edited By

Graydon Carter and Alessandra Stanley

Deputy Editors

Chris Garrett Michael Hainey Nathan King

Design Director

Angela Panichi

Chief Technology Officer

John Tornow

Books Editor

Jim Kelly

Arts Intel Report Editor

Laura Jacobs

Style Editor

Ashley Baker

Articles Editor

Ash Carter

Senior Editor

Julia Vitale


Cazzie David Emma Freud Walter Isaacson
Pico Iyer John Lahr James Wolcott

Writers at Large

Bill Cohan Rich Cohen Stuart Heritage George Kalogerakis Sam Kashner Alexandra Marshall

Photo Director

Ann Schneider

Cartoon Editor

Bob Mankoff

Music Supervisor

Randall Poster

Assistant Editors

Elena Clavarino Clementine Ford Alex Oliveira

International Editor

Isabelle Harvie-Watt

London Editor

Bridget Arsenault

Copy Editor

Adam Nadler

Photo Editor

Emine Gozde Sevim

Production Editor

H. Scott Jolley

Associate Editor

Elinor Schneider

Chief Operating Officer

Bill Keenan

Chief Marketing Officer

Emily Davis

Brand Partnerships

Anjali Lewis

Sales Director

Michael Pescuma

Financial & Business Operations

Marc Leyer

Integrated Marketing Manager

Madeline Spates

Issue No. 42
May 2, 2020
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Issue No. 42
May 2, 2020

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