Excuse Me, Your Tequila Is Blushing
The rosé trend extends to agave, just in time for cocktail-party season
Roman’s Holiday
It’s not all about the food—Thanksgiving also presents an opportunity to find order in a world of chaos
She Runs the Table
Skye McAlpine doesn’t just kill it in the kitchen; she nails the presentation as well. Now you can, too
Caroline Schiff
The Brooklyn chef was in charge of her restaurant’s sourdough starter during the pandemic. She turned the experience into a cookbook filled with epic desserts
Conversations with Friends
The River Cafe’s Ruthie Rogers brings her recipes—and patrons—to life on a new podcast
Fit for a King
At his new Versailles restaurant, Alain Ducasse continues his reign over French cuisine
Italy’s Best Pizza Isn’t Where You Think It Is
Welcome to Caiazzo, home of the inside-out-margherita restaurant drawing crowds from all over the world
Westward Ho!
New York’s Hudson Yards neighborhood never quite took off. With Ci Siamo, Danny Meyer and Hillary Sterling are out to change that
It’s All About the Elbow
How did Nusret Gökçe, known to all as Salt Bae, turn a flick of the arm into a multi-million-dollar restaurant empire serving gold-encrusted meat?
Shock and Awe
Alain Ducasse’s exit from the Plaza Athénée rocked Paris. But his replacement is generating even more buzz
Hollywood’s Kitchen Table
How did a 17-table restaurant become a clubhouse for everyone from Clooney to DiCaprio, Joni Mitchell to Quincy Jones? At Dan Tana’s, it isn’t the food …
Is Paris Burning?
In her new cooking show, the joke’s on us …
Rethink Pink
Hollywood types and old-world wine-makers are out to upend antiquated notions of rosé
Food Fight!
One day after The New York Times gives it a rave review, a Brooklyn restaurant shuts its doors and accusations fly
Before Studio 54, There Was Maxwell’s Plum
In the 1970s, an Upper East Side restaurant was the red-hot center of New York’s sexually liberated singles scene
Miss en Place!
Anne Rosenzweig broke into the old boys’ club of Manhattan restaurants with aplomb
Dinner with the Queen
During an unforgettable meal with Julia Child, a young writer discovers a kindred spirit
Daniel Emilio Soares
The fourth-generation Balducci is opening Alimentari Flâneur, a new quality-produce market on Manhattan’s Lower East Side
After a 21-year run, Alain Ducasse’s restaurant at the Plaza Athénée is closing under mysterious circumstances
Non-Tipsy Tipples
At Glossier, Mélanie Masarin helped people look better. Now, with Ghia, a mocktail, she’s helping people drink better
Mory Sacko
The new face of French cuisine serves up fine food and great television
Underground Gourmet
In lockdown, desperate French chefs keep the lights on (low) with speakeasy restaurants