New York
Kiss and Makeup
Missing the Marc What ever happened to Marc Jacobs Beauty? The makeup line once loved by Emily Ratajkowski, Aubrey Plaza, and seemingly everyone on the Internet suddenly disappeared. Now maybe, just maybe, it’s coming back again …
Inside Story
Some Strings Attached The little-known story of a wartime British ambassador who appeased Adolf Hitler but saw the error of his ways
Knives Out!
The World’s Most Expensive Face-Lift What does half a million dollars’ worth of plastic surgery get you? We peek beneath the bandages
Bridal Wars
So Much More than a Wedding This season, “non-wedding weddings”—think short ceremonies, long parties, and far-flung locales—are all the rage, and brides have taken the assignment to heart
Beauty and Wellness
Eye of the Beholder These days, women in their 40s—and younger—are fueling the frenzy for facelifts. What’s behind this wrinkle-induced terror? Our beauty-and-wellness investigator cuts to the heart of the matter
Days of Wine and Ruses
Inside Story
The Garden of Heathens Between the turmoil of the World Wars, a few Europeans settled on a desolate Galápagos island. The experiment quickly descended into chaos
Eight Questions