A Cut Above the Rest
At just 32, Paolo Martorano, New York’s youngest tailor to the stars, is keeping a dying art alive—and dressing clients from Brian Cox to George Hamilton
Stars and Stripes
For three decades, a zebra-patterned banquette at the El Morocco put you at the center of New York nightlife—as long as you were on the right side of the room
Camari Mick
The New York chef brings her expertise from years spent at Le Bernardin and Eleven Madison Park to Raf’s, an all-day café where pastry is king
The Luncheonette Next Door
From the couple behind the historic Manhattan restaurant Raoul’s comes Revelie, an old-fashioned American diner with a French twist
The Attention-Whore Index
Lock up your grandmothers! Rupert Murdoch’s on the prowl for a wife … again! But can he beat indictment magnets Donald T. and Rudy G. for your attention? Vote now for your champion!
Been There, Dunne That
Griffin Dunne reflects on his sister’s horrific murder, the making of Scorsese’s After Hours, his friendship with Carrie Fisher, and a colorful life in New York and Hollywood
The Height of His Powers
Restaurateur Ignacio Mattos has long exerted a pull over downtown New York’s stylish set. Now they’re all flocking to Corner Bar
The Attention-Whore Index
As Harry’s revelations abate, will Prince Andrew keep the No. 1 ranking in the family? Or will some other new swankpot claim the win? You decide!