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Small Talk
“Is this Orwellian or Kafka-esque?”
Small Talk
“Yes, I get it. You love him unconditionally and will welcome him with open arms always, but you have to admit he’s kind of the worst.”
Small Talk
“I thought when I got my Ph.D. things would be different, but I am still a chicken.”
Small Talk
“We can’t rule out Antifa.”
Small Talk
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just get the vaccine?”
Small Talk
“I’m really into this series. I am just not into you making a very poor attempt at copying their British accent every waking minute until we finish it.”
Small Talk
“Look at him, strutting around as though the last four years never happened.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“Can I put you on hold? My country is on fire.”
Small Talk
“I picked the wrong year to start journaling.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“I know you’re trying to kill me, but this is actually quite fun!”
Small Talk
“I have no trouble falling asleep, and I have no trouble waking up. I just need to switch when they happen.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“You forgot this.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“Isn’t this nice?”
Small Talk
“I need to stop dating ex-cons.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
“You pull one thorn out of a lion’s paw and suddenly he won’t stop calling you.”
Small Talk
“If you’re that cold, put on another sweater vest.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“I told you this would be better than a bird feeder. Heh. I’ll go brew some coffee.”