“Clown pirates!! Whatever you do, don’t underestimate their numbers!!”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“If you work hard, exploit your employees, take advantage of a pandemic, use loopholes to avoid taxes, and hoard your wealth, you can someday, in an act of extreme self-indulgent, meaningless vanity, be an astronaut.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
“Bill … you’re home early … ”
Small Talk
“Oh, Great One! We offer you this sacrificial lamb and your choice of any two side dishes.”
Small Talk
“What did you think we do after the holidays?”
Small Talk
“You’ve got to stop rapturing me back here every time you have a tech question, Dad.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
“We’re just on a vacation. You don’t have to add ‘of the dead.’”
Small Talk
“I’m afraid your test results came back with a frowny face and a rain cloud.”
Small Talk
“It’s technically a milkshake, but if I call it a ‘smoothie,’ I can have it for breakfast.”
Small Talk
“And best of all, it’s meat-free.”
Small Talk
“Mooom! Billy is founding a multi-national tech company!”
Small Talk
“Oh yeah? Well, I quit my job before it was cool.”
Small Talk
“Find help!”
Small Talk
“You know how it is. Now every time I get a little cough, I think it’s the black plague.”
Small Talk
“Oh criminy, now we have to make an effort.”
Risko’s Sketchbook
Small Talk
“For some reason, people drink a lot less since I brought my twin brother into the business.”
Small Talk
“Use your words, Jefferson! Not a roundhouse to the face!”
Small Talk
“So, tin cans and just general garbage and stuff. Do we want any appetizers?”