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Small Talk
“It’s not the timing of our relationship that’s wrong. It’s the lighting.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
“We’re waiting to have kids until Ted grows up.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
“Finally, some food.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“An excessive salary is nice, but it’s hard to beat exorbitant bonuses.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“It’s refreshing to meet a despot with a sense of ergonomics.”
Small Talk
“I hope it’s socks and underwear.”
Small Talk
“I remember when the death of the hero meant the end of the sequels. Now it marks the beginning of the prequels.”
Small Talk
“Hi, honey, could you run by the bookstore on the way home? We’re almost out of poetry.”
Small Talk
“It’s hard not to take a mutiny personally.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“This may pinch a little.”
Small Talk
“Here’s a little something I wrote just for me.”
Small Talk
“I was there the entire time he painted this. Looked him right in the eye for hours. How could he not include me?”
Small Talk
“I conjured you up a dress, shoes, a corsage, and a limo—I’m not ponying up for an after-party too.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
Nude descending a staircase.