“If they don’t like the food, try to explain to them how hard it is to cook really good food.”
Small Talk
“Go ahead, I can listen and text.”
Small Talk
“Getting coal in my stocking is part of my winter energy plan.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
“I’m the genie of plumbing. You still get three wishes, but they have to stay within the parameters of plumbing.”
Small Talk
“Climb into my dream sack, or ye shall meet the wrath of Gloomgore. I am Gloomgore. Yee hee. Yee hee.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“Let’s get our stories straight. Was it a really strong twister or a gang of clothes rustlers?”
Small Talk
Small Talk
“Good morning, passengers awaiting Flight 3335 to Lisbon. We just want to remind you that if the plane leaves the ground and you’re not on it, you’ll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life. Also, please remember to have your boarding passes and identification ready.”
Small Talk
“You got lots of nice birthday cards. Why are you dwelling on the one negative one?”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
“Peanuts! Working for peanuts and without proper benefits here!”
Small Talk
“When you tell your father how you’re dropping out of college to be a Renaissance Faire entertainer, the least you could do is break character.”
Small Talk
“I don’t care for their politics, either, but we have to fly south for the winter.”
Small Talk
“O.K., let’s celebrate this touchdown and try not to disappoint our new offensive choreographer.”
Small Talk
Small Talk
Small Talk
“Good for him. Terrible for Skull Island tourism.”