The Perfect Ending
Bill Nighy The actor answers 26 of life’s most pressing questions
The Never-Ending Dinner Party At Sally Clarke’s eponymous restaurant, in Notting Hill, the good times rage on
All Tarted Up
Rules for Living
Waiting to Regale From attending the Queen’s coronation and suffering familial tragedy to becoming friends with Mick Jagger and learning to cook at 86, Lady Glenconner is the quintessential survivor
Landing Gear
The Bed That Rocks A $115,000 musical bed with five-star-hotel provenance to put you at the center of the action! A powerful mini–chain saw to help keep your backyard in check! And more …
Best in Show
The Mane Event Formerly the preserve of debs and toffs, Badminton Horse Trials has gotten a lot more egalitarian—but no less dangerous
Film and Television
The Life Lessons of Shonda Rhimes The trailblazing creator of Bridgerton, Grey’s Anatomy, and Scandal is raising kids on her own, worrying about Donald Trump, and having trouble getting a date
Air Mail Diary