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Social Studies, Part One

Cult of Personality How did a dancing social-media star with 1.3 million followers get “brainwashed” by a Christian fundamentalist and self-styled “Man of God” who once made a film starring Meghan Markle?


Murder, They Wrote This month’s best mystery books contain a healthy dose of humor


A Shake-up on Savile Row With charm, panache, and style, bespoke tailor Daisy Knatchbull is infiltrating one of London’s oldest boys’ clubs

Modern Times

Lady Macboris Booed by crowds of onlookers at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, is Carrie Johnson the master puppeteer, or just a shallow social climber with expensive taste in wallpaper?

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The Attention-Whore Index R.F.K. Jr. tries out anti-Semitism for size, and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie continue their never-ending, acrimonious divorce. Who’s grabbing your attention this week?

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The Perfect Ending

Bill Nighy The actor answers 26 of life’s most pressing questions

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The Never-Ending Dinner Party At Sally Clarke’s eponymous restaurant, in Notting Hill, the good times rage on

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A Queen’s Favorite Subjects

Elizabeth II and Her Horses Remembering Britain’s longest-reigning monarch in her most beloved pastime

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After Hours

Boujis 2.0 After closing, in 2016, the London nightclub dubbed “Studio 54 for aristocrats and It girls” is back

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A Lasting Impression Drawings and watercolors on paper by Impressionists ranging from Degas to Toulouse-Lautrec go on view in London

Small Talk

“Anyone Seen the Beefeater Gin Guy?” Queen Elizabeth headed one of the world’s biggest brands. It’s only right that advertising heads of state come to mourn her

Air Mail Diary

Controversy over The Crown (the Show, Not Charles) And other strange news about these curious days …

A Queen’s Favorite Subjects

Elizabeth II and Her Horses Remembering Britain’s longest-reigning monarch in her most beloved pastime

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Rules for Living

Waiting to Regale From attending the Queen’s coronation and suffering familial tragedy to becoming friends with Mick Jagger and learning to cook at 86, Lady Glenconner is the quintessential survivor

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Landing Gear

The Bed That Rocks A $115,000 musical bed with five-star-hotel provenance to put you at the center of the action! A powerful mini–chain saw to help keep your backyard in check! And more …

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Best in Show

The Mane Event Formerly the preserve of debs and toffs, Badminton Horse Trials has gotten a lot more egalitarian—but no less dangerous

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The Royal Soap Opera

Oh, Brother! Queen Elizabeth always preferred the boorish Andrew to the sensitive Charles. Is the King finally getting revenge on his disgraced sibling by cutting him off financially?

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The Kids Aren’t Alright

With All Due Respect … Unfortunately, yes, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have forgotten their manners

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Murder, They Wrote This month’s best mystery books, podcasts, and TV series


The Attention-Whore Index Harry and Meghan are on display, Donald Trump is nodding off, and Elon Musk is always (far) right. Plus, the most peculiar news from around the world

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