I-95 Is Us
Everybody hates it. It may well kill you. But as summer travel ramps up along Interstate 95, it’s time we recognize the highway as our national Main Street
The Attention-Whore Index
Donald Trump is in a dilemma, Kathy Hochul is in a dither, and Steve Bannon is going inside. Plus, the strangest news from around the world
The Social Network
As Harvard gets more progressive, its “final clubs”—known for their exclusivity and indulgent behavior—seem trapped in the past
In the Land of the Green Laird
A topsy-turvy battle has broken out in Scotland between billionaire environmentalists, who want to cull thousands of deer, and deer-hunting locals, who’d like to see them thrive
The View from Here
The European Parliament, long a sinecure for nameless bureaucrats, has become a finishing school for Fascists
The Royal #WeToo
The Duchess of York—hardly a shrinking violet—has announced that she is not going to hide her true self anymore. God help us all
Behind Closed Doors
Claims of questionable business ethics and sexual improprieties at Carpenters Workshop, the art world’s most prestigious design gallery, reveal a company flying dangerously close to the sun
The Attention-Whore Index
Eric Adams is the king of rats, Madonna is the queen of shocks, and Donald Trump is the lord of lies
Five O’Clock Follies
Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara knew the war in Vietnam could not be won—and waged it anyway
The View from Here
Harvard’s sanctioning of two Rhodes Scholarship recipients is only the latest in a series of controversies plaguing the prestigious academic prize
When Your Teacher Is Qatar
As student protesters call for their universities to divest from Israel, Qatar is spending billions to influence those same schools
The Attention-Whore Index
Donald Trump is guilty as hell, Richard Dreyfuss loves a good yell, and you don’t want Martha-Ann Alito ringing your doorbell. Plus, the strangest news from around the world
Bigmouth Strikes Again
After surviving just 10 days as Trump’s communications director, Anthony Scaramucci is now backing Biden, co-hosting a podcast, and taking wild swings at his former boss
Show Us the Waymo
Alphabet’s driverless cars arrive in Los Angeles. Can they make sitting in traffic kind of … fun?
The Attention-Whore Index
Donald Trump is at a loss for words, Scarlett Johansson is losing her voice, and the Sussexes’ invitation got lost in the mail. Plus, the strangest news from around the world
The Making of the Alitos
The upside-down views and resentful personalities of the Supreme Court justice and his wife, Martha-Ann, exploded into public view 18 years ago
Roanoke’s Requiem
A grassroots effort attempts to make sense of a heartbreaking cancer surge among Roanoke College’s young alumni
The View from Here
France loves a student protest almost as much as a one-euro baguette. So why isn’t Paris burning?
The Great Escape
With the ever increasing danger that Trump might win the election, many Americans are planning their exit strategies
The Secret Daughter
A battle over the estate of Mario D’Urso—the Italian banker and senator who epitomized the 1970s jet set—gets complicated when a daughter he didn’t know he had enters the picture
The Attention-Whore Index
Harry and Meghan are delinquent, Kristi Noem can’t stop fibbing, and Donald Trump would probably like to eat your liver. Plus, the strangest news from around the world
The View from Here
Why Francis Ford Coppola should be cherished for being the last great dreamer in Hollywood
The Long War at Columbia University
In 2004, a short Internet documentary accusing particular professors of anti-Semitism provoked a local furor. Today, some see it as an unheeded warning
The Attention-Whore Index
Kristi Noem is in the doghouse, the Met Gala is a deranged dystopia, and Donald Trump is getting down and dirty. Plus, the strangest news from around the world