The Great Outdoors
Turn off your mindfulness apps and enjoy the serenity of the natural world, says Sir David Attenborough
Snap Out of It
The coronavirus is up, but Ebola is gone. And there are other silver linings to savor
The Last Place on Earth You Can Escape the Pandemic
Antarctica is the only virus-free continent. But will that last?
Plastic-Eating “Super-Enzyme” Spawned in Lab!
Will nature be able to clean up our mess?
A Whale of a Good-Bye
Scientists have deciphered the songs blue whales sing to each other before they migrate
Rolls-Royce Pulls a Dylan
With a modified Phantom V, the storied automobile goes electric
A Vine Way to Improve Your Home
It’s the right kind of greenhouse effect
Parks and Wreck
As cries for help from U.S. national parks fall on the deaf ears of an administration set on environmental rollbacks, a new book emphasizes their beauty
This Place Is a Real Dive
Jacques Cousteau’s grandson plans a deep-ocean equivalent of the International Space Station
Meet the World’s Most Photographed Polar Bear
It seems Misha is always available for nature paparazzi
Stung by Their Beauty
Bees are earth’s keystone species. If they perish, we perish. So, what happens when you add 250,000 bees to your farm? Well, things start buzzing …
The Lion Queens
An elite group of female rangers take on wildlife poachers in Kenya
A Clean (and Green) Slate
How the travel industry is using the lockdown to build sustainable, eco-friendly businesses
Bees Do It. Very, Very Well
New research reveals they know a little trick to make a garden buzz with delight
Up in Smoke
The secret ingredient to some of the world’s record-breaking climbs? A pack of cigarettes
The Lonely Traveler
The tragic saga of an almost mythical figure from the Canadian wilderness
Father Nature
Sir David Attenborough’s new film shows humanity’s impact on Earth—and what we must do to save it
Animal Instinct
Elephants travel to “wakes” to mourn their dead even if they lacked a close bond, a study has found
Jeff Bezos Goes Green (Like Money)
Is his $10 billion pledge to combat the climate emergency a good thing—or part of his plan to control the world?
Botswana takes a radical step to save its herd from poachers
A Journey to the Center of the Earth
The best landscape photographers can cast their lens on what has existed for centuries and convey something totally new. Here, images from around the world highlight the work of the 2019 International Landscape Photographer of the Year competition participants
Your Bamboo Toothbrush, Madame
The Opéra Liège is the first hotel in France to eliminate single-use plastic
Paradise Tossed
Hawaii’s “plastic beach” is a sobering showcase of how we’ve trashed Earth
All the Leaves Are Burned, and the Sky Is Gray
With Australia ablaze, our writer recounts her escape from L.A.’s fires—and wonders what’s next