Lights Out, Part I
The picturesque Brant Lake boys’ camp, in the Adirondacks, seemed the perfect idyll—until a longtime counselor was accused of child molestation
History Repeats Itself
“We can really understand something of epic tragedy only when it becomes personal”: honoring the end of World War II in the middle of a pandemic
Miranda, Countess of Stockton
When she married Peter Sellers, at 23, her two Pekingese dogs (Tabitha and Tomasina) served as bridesmaids
Quarantine has changed a lot about the world, but when it comes to posting photos on Instagram, it’s still a narcissist’s game
The $93 Billion Man
Bill Gates on the race for a vaccine, the need for cooperation across borders, and what he misses most under lockdown
No Privacy, Please
Meghan puts her rift with her father on trial in a splashy court battle against the press
Uprising, Interrupted
The pandemic forced global protest movements into lockdown. But how long until they bust out?
Imaginary Girlfriend
In Japan, holographic women are heralding the era of digisexuality
Unholy Virgin
Richard Branson is Trump in Cool Britannia clothing
Megxit Diaries
The Sussex bolters’ first 100 days out of royal captivity
Mort Drucker
For 55 years, the Mad-magazine illustrator was, as George Lucas said, the “Leonardo da Vinci of comic satire”
Ground Control to Captain Tom
How a 99-year-old World War II vet became England’s hottest pop idol
“Old Boys” vs. New Tricks
At St. Bernard’s School, new-money barbarians are at war with upper-class traditionalists
A French Kiss-Off
Will the double cheek kiss be France’s next coronavirus casualty?
Where Bad Behavior Is Always in Season
In the Hamptons, the only thing not on lockdown is New Yorkers’ sense of entitlement
If only Prince Harry had done his ancient-Greek homework …
The Highest Office
A former Trump intimate insists that Donald Trump is a known substance abuser. Why is no one listening?
How to Thrash Your Family at Scrabble
Tips and tactics that will make you Master of the Board in these lockdown days
Supreme Indifference
What the Supreme Court’s decision about the Wisconsin primary means for this year’s election
More Side Effects
Self-isolation then and now. A lot has changed since 1978—but some things haven’t