Chekhov In Flashes
From London, Andrew Scott’s Off Broadway-bound Vanya
Heart of Darkness
In Brussels, Fanny and Alexander gets an operatic makeover
A Fairly Mixed-Up Young Man
In 2015 (ages before Rivals!), Alex Hassell grabbed the brass ring as Shakespeare’s Henry V
A Champion for Clara
Alexandra Dariescu makes a specialty of the other Schumann piano concerto
All in the Family
Not much is as it seems in Ingmar Bergman’s late, great, very spooky Yuletide bonbon Fanny and Alexander
Rare Bird, Bass Division
Peixin Chen’s amazing journey from Inner Mongolia to the great lyric stages of the West
Hamlet in Lockdown
How Sir Ian McKellen spent (part of) his pandemic
At the Paris Opera, a Handmaid’s Tale makeover for Spontini’s Napoleonic La Vestale