Quel Nerve!
Is the vagus nerve something we actually need to care about? A new high-tech device targeting it promises to relieve stress immediately
Half Empty
As my father died of alcoholism, I awakened to a sobering truth about myself
Gut Check
The world’s most dedicated wellness warriors now spend their vacations at the Lanserhof Clinic, in Germany. But despite all the tests and procedures, is there anything to chew on?
Give Me Some Lip
The new pencils are so transformative, they may have you rethinking your relationship with filler
Adults Only
You can keep your baby bump, your breast pump, and your spit-up embroidered clothes. For some, the child-free life is filled with pleasure
Sniff and Tell
When a relationship with fragrance becomes a little too intense
Man Flu: Misery or Myth?
Are winter colds really worse for men? Two of our correspondents—of opposing genders!—tussle over the truth
The C-Spot
Nothing validates the dictum that the U.S. and the U.K. are “two nations divided by a common language” quite like this single, four-letter word
Let’s Talk About Sexts
Sexting may be our lingua franca, but we could still be more fluent. One woman bones up with an expert
Sober Sex
Abstinence makes life better—in all ways but one
Out of Vogue, Forever in Fashion
After a celebrated career at Condé Nast, Alexandra Shulman returns with a smart, irrepressible memoir