War Games
In 1946, John Hersey revealed the Hiroshima cover-up to the world. A new book tells how he got the scoop
Back to the Future
Alvin and Heidi Toffler’s book Future Shock, published a half-century ago, got a lot right about our current times
In Search of Lost Pianos
A journey to Siberia reveals the life of a 19th-century Russian princess who, in extreme isolation, found solace in music
Jennifer Weiner
The author of In Her Shoes recommends the best books for the exercise-curious
On the Dodge
Retracing the life of Butch Cassidy, the American West’s answer to Robin Hood
In Cold Blood: A Why-Dunnit
A closer reading reveals a theory about Truman Capote’s attraction to the story—and the killers
Roth Unbound
“He could love and hate and rage with the best of them”: a close friend of Philip Roth’s remembers the enigmatic writer
Study in Scarlet
A first look at Joe McCarthy’s just opened archive casts the infamous senator as a precursor to Trump
All That Jazz
A visual history traces the genre from its 19th-century roots in blues-and-ragtime New Orleans to the present day