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Short List

Books to read this week, including an investigation into Juul’s sketchy marketing, a look at history’s most photogenic presidents, and an Everest memoir

Annette Gordon-Reed

The historian and author of On Juneteenth recommends the best books to read about the state where it all went down: Texas

Bad Romance

Lisa Taddeo’s Three Women brought readers inside the bedrooms of a trio of American women. Female sexuality is also the theme of her new novel, Animal

The Emperor’s New Garden

In Good Company

Jean Pigozzi’s candid snapshots pay tribute to the men who have influenced him most, from Steve Jobs to Gianni Agnelli, Mick Jagger, and his own father

Purgatory Confidential

Green as Money


Long-hidden memos between Jimmy Carter and his most trusted confidant, Charlie Kirbo, shine new light on the former president

Short List

Books to read this week, from a history of extinct countries to fresh looks at Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood and New York City’s most eccentric street names

Three-Ring Titans

The Not-So-Secret Garden

Buckingham Palace’s royal garden, home to the Queen’s famed garden parties as well as thousands of species of flower and tree, is ready for its close-up

Murder, They Wrote

Tell-Tale Poe

The See-and-Be-Seen Hotel

London’s Savoy hotel welcomed glamorous Hollywood actors, top-brass politicians, and its fair share of intrigue. Who was behind it all?

The Hypocritical Oath

Studies show Black patients react better to having Black doctors. So why is our whole medical system geared toward white doctors?

Short List

What to read this week, from the latest in Henry Porter’s captivating Paul Samson series to books revisiting the pandemic’s early days and the myth of the Alamo

A Real-Life Benjamin Button?

Brendan Bracken, founder of the Financial Times and friend of Churchill’s, faked a premature-aging condition to satisfy his taste for being caned by teenage boys

When Ol’ Blue Eyes Got Old

The Really Right Stuff

John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, was the picture of calm during meetings with J.F.K. ahead of his journey. His archives reveal a human side

A Walk on the Wild Side

Animal Instinct

Marsel van Oosten’s photographs offer a tantalizingly close-up look at the world’s rarest wildlife

Helene Hanff’s Diary

The story of Helene Hanff, the Bridget Jones of the postwar literary set, whose uproarious 84, Charing Cross Road has never been out of print

Short List

Books to read this week, including fresh looks at Norman Jewison and Stephen Hawking, and an enlightened guide to parenting

The Toast of the Town