They Shoot Horses
For the Stronach family, the fallout from the recent horse deaths at their Santa Anita racetrack is only part of a larger family feud with echoes of King Lear and Succession
Stately Hellhole
In a 100-room Palladian palace, the Marquess of Hertford makes his son sleep on an air mattress
She Worked Hard for His Money
Will Boris Johnson’s relationship with a pole-dancing American model who appeared in Naughty @ 40 lead him to prison?
Protest or Die?
Extinction Rebellion argues that radical, mass nonviolent civil disobedience is the only way to change current climate policies. On October 7, they’re going global
Meet Jesse Cohn, the Gordon Gekko for Millennial Brahs
Attention C.E.O.’s of America: Do not ignore him
Golden Head
Whodunit? A $6 million toilet is stolen from Churchill’s ancestral home
Very High and Drying
The little-known “third pole,” in Asia’s high peaks, is one of the most ecologically diverse places on Earth
Take the Money
Protest criminality, not charity, says the former head of Lincoln Center
My Month of Rest and Relaxation
In Asia’s posh postpartum hotels, new mothers are pampered while newborns are sequestered in the nursery
Lady Hale, Boris Johnson, and the Spider Brooch
The president of the U.K.’s Supreme Court tells the prime minister what’s what, and creates a legion of fans
Good Night, Mr. Chips
The author recalls an inspiring English teacher—and recounts the gruesome gaslighting that ended with his murder
Cocaine Diaries
On posh Brits and their unending love for the Colombian marching powder
Pierre Le-Tan
An illustrator who blended whimsy and shadow in his palette
Hix Pix Fox Flix
Ex–Trump whisperer Hope Hicks spins the Hollywood liberal establishment
Paradise in Flames
An epic journey by river and road reveals the horrible price of the Amazon inferno
The Handmaid’s Kale
Western feminists make the misogyny in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments all about them
The Godfather of Brexit
Ex–prime minister David Cameron explains how he got it all wrong
Bibi’s Bête Noire
Avigdor Lieberman makes Netanyahu and Trump seem like milquetoasts. He could upend the Israeli elections
Black Cloud
Leon Black and the other investors and philanthropists who want to unfriend Jeffrey Epstein
Whale Slaughter Resumes