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Record Scratch

A Hamptons charity event calling itself Safe & Sound was anything but. Working the turntables was Goldman Sachs C.E.O. David “DJ D-Sol” Solomon

So, Maybe You Should Toke with the Rabbi?

For weed-loving Jews, edibles are manna. But a kosher option? Not so easy

Flying Start

With help from Rolls-Royce, makers of the Concorde engines, Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic is at work on a jet that will cross the Atlantic in under two hours

Bee List

The planet’s most vital species has life lessons for these turbulent times

Worst. Bond Villain. Ever.

Beleaguered Facebook C.E.O. Mark Zuckerberg disrupts Hawaii

Gondoliers’ Row

In Venice, a rule favoring the offspring of gondoliers sparked fury. Its defenders point to the importance of passing the tradition from father to son

Signifying Nothing

The coronavirus is not here to teach humanity a lesson. Beware of its self-proclaimed interpreters

The End or the Beginning?

Anne Applebaum says democracy is in its final days. The author says, Not so fast

An Outsize Burden

America’s Black elite deserve to be reckoned with on their own terms—not those created by the media

Money Pit

The sheikh who can’t remember how many villas and castles he owns

Sounding the Alarm

Thomas Chatterton Williams, an originator of Harper’s “Letter on Justice and Open Debate,” on cancel culture and the future of free speech

Voyage of the Damned

The harrowing inside story of the coronavirus-ravaged cruise ship with 2,500 passengers that no one wanted

Capital Offenses

The latest battleground in the push for racial justice? The copydesk

Help Is Here?

In pandemic times, the most privileged New Yorkers find that dealing with domestic staff is especially fraught

Anatomy of a Catastrophe

Why we need a coronavirus commission, and who should—and shouldn’t—lead it

Dutch Courage

At a protest in Amsterdam, flashbacks to a childhood shaped by the civil-rights movement

Hamptons Behaving Badly

In this installment: The Tale of the Sag Harbor Squatter

Monuments Men

Guess which side surrendered at Appomattox

Back to School

A nation of strivers under lockdown meets the à la carte subscription academy MasterClass

Watch Your Step

A Harvard medical professor gets to the root of the 10,000-steps-per-day fad, and it has nothing to do with science

Fawlt Lines

The newest wave of political correctness infects the BBC—and takes away from the Black Lives Matter movement’s urgent cause

Not Their First Rodeo

Houston’s black cowboys and cowgirls ride for Black Lives Matter, and champion their unheralded legacy

1963 All Over Again

Courtney and Corrie Cockrell, grandnieces of the assassinated civil-rights hero Medgar Evers, consider his legacy through the lens of George Floyd

My Name Is Karen …

… and I do not want to speak to your manager