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Jonathan Dean

A Broken Bond

Choosing the new James Bond is no longer in the hands of seasoned 007 casting director Debbie McWilliams but, rather, Amazon’s tech bros. What could go wrong?

Who Killed James Bond?

The last movie in the series, released three years ago, promised the beloved agent would return—but fans are still waiting

The Name’s Bond … Woke Bond

In an interview, Charlie Higson discusses his new Bond novel and how he adapts the womanizing spy for our times

The Rise and Rise of Ziggy Stardust

Moonage Daydream is the far-out, maximalist documentary David Bowie would have wanted

The Greatest Showman

With a combined box office of $27 billion from his films, 73-year-old Samuel L. Jackson is the highest-grossing actor of all time—and maybe the most outspoken

George Clooney Is Happy to Pour You a Drink

He’s 60 and his hair is more salt than pepper now, but the actor–director–tequila baron still has plenty to say

Zooming with the Cast of The Wire

Is America finally ready for David Simon’s HBO masterpiece?

Lust in Translation

Bill Murray is back in the picture in Sofia Coppola’s new film about Gen X marriage, On the Rocks