Solid Sender
A new immersive production of Guys and Dolls in London is an all-around delight
The Crucible
An interfaith Parsifal at the Bayreuth Festival, 134 years after the work’s premiere on the same stage
The Writers’ Room
Who needs WeWork, anyway? At the London Library, authors of all persuasions gather to toil, tinker, and socialize
Instant Epic, No Charge
Dazzling projections on the façade of the Zurich Opera House encapsulate Wagner’s “Ring” cycle for neophytes and devotees alike
It Takes Two
For the Paris Opera Ballet, choreographer Bobbi Jene Smith has collaborated with her husband, Or Schraiber, on a show that subverts gender clichés
Welcome to the Louniverse
The late Velvet Underground front man was not only a master songwriter, he also had a great mountain pose
The blockbuster Vermeer show at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum exceeds the hype
Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina
In an interview, the director of Argentina, 1985 discusses the young legal team that brought down the country’s military dictatorship
Who’s That Lady I Saw You With?
After languishing in the archives since its 1744 premiere at a royal wedding in Spain, Achille in Sciro proves a corker and a half
Twice-Told Tales
The Song Poet, Kao Kalia Yang’s prizewinning memoir of her Hmong father, finds its way to the opera
Avedon, Associated
A new book explores the relationships, both in front of and behind the lens, that were most formative for the groundbreaking photographer Richard Avedon
Life After Death
At the Israel Museum, in Jerusalem, the first major exhibition of Jewish funeral garments goes on display
Away! Away! For I Will Fly To Thee
David Rothenberg takes his clarinet into Berlin’s green spaces to jam with the nightingales
Who’s Afraid of J. K. Rowling?
Why the Harry Potter author participated in a podcast series hosted by a first-time interviewer and former Westboro Baptist Church member from “the most hated family in America”
Let Procreation Thrive
From Glyndebourne comes Poulenc’s first opera, a zany surrealist call for new babies
New Noir
Diane Kruger discusses her feminist spin on the femme fatale in Marlowe, a Raymond Chandler adaptation in which she stars opposite Liam Neeson
The Stepmother’s Tragedy
At the Alliance Française, Jennifer Ehle goes out on a limb as Racine’s Phèdre
Jack Siebert
The Los Angeles–based curator using social media to find the art world’s rising stars
A Film Festival About Writers
The Brooklyn Public Library’s LitFilm festival explores the work of Maya Angelou, Leonard Cohen, and others, through the lens of film
Rogues’ Gallery
The painter Jamian Juliano-Villani unveils her new art gallery, on New York’s Avenue A, formerly home to the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre
Gary Janetti
The comedy writer and producer behind Family Guy, Will & Grace, and a beloved Instagram account reveals his travel routine