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Christine Muhlke

Christine Muhlke

16 results

Printemps in New York

The French department store is opening a beautifully designed outpost in Lower Manhattan. But can it make shopping fun again?

Eating in Style

The talented young chef Pierre Touitou is drawing the fashion set to 19 Saint Roch, his delicious new restaurant in Paris

The Simpler Life

For decades, chef Iñaki Aizpitarte’s Le Chateaubriand has been one of the most influential restaurants in Paris. So why did he flee to the countryside?

Fruit of the Boom

For more than 20 years, the restaurant Quince has been at the center of San Francisco’s social life

Feeding the Hypebeasts

At New York’s Coqodaq, the fried chicken and champagne sound like a gimmick—but they deliver

Chef’s Kiss

Come for the romance, stay for the food—there’s plenty to love in the new film The Taste of Things

The Heat Is On

From fine dining to sweets shops, there’s never been a better time to eat your way through Mumbai. Our peripatetic omnivore relishes every bite

Brooklyn’s Finest

After nearly 25 years in Williamsburg, Andrew Tarlow’s Diner is more than a restaurant—it’s a happening

Sunny Days at Silver Sands

A star chef from New York has re-invented a treasured motel on the North Fork. And the locals approve

Stir Crazy

Bust out the apron, because these addictive new cookbooks make even the dirty work a pleasure

Bloom Town

Before lockdown, Kyoto was overrun with tourists. Now that it’s been reclaimed by the locals, the fun really begins

Get in Line!

Food-lovers have spent seven years waiting for Los Angeles hot spot Gjelina to open in New York. It was worth the wait

Ready, Set, Bake!

Mouthwatering desserts and beautiful breads are made with ease, thanks to these new cookbooks

You Belong in the Kitchen!

Fall’s best new cookbooks make food prep a pleasure—and they also make excellent gifts

The Height of His Powers

Restaurateur Ignacio Mattos has long exerted a pull over downtown New York’s stylish set. Now they’re all flocking to Corner Bar

Basque in It

The husband-and-wife team of Eder Montero and Alex Raij has created some of New York’s best neighborhood restaurants