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The Best and Worst of Times

Donald Trump, Party Crasher

Dana Brown was plucked from his bartending post to work at Vanity Fair in its golden era. One of his jobs was manning the door at dinner parties—and keeping the uninvited out

Wild Westerners

Second Sight

A New York Times Opinion writer comes to terms with a partial loss of vision

Keeping Mum

Maria Montessori is best known for her pioneering educational theory. Here, a look at her little-known, long-secret role as a mother

State of the Arts

Notes from the Inside

The Year That Changed Everything

The turn of the century saw a “stop the steal” election followed by a devastating terrorist attack. America was never the same

The Great Gay Way

W Is for “Women”

A new book of essays and photos traces the fashion, life, and inspirations of Yves Saint Laurent from A to Z. Amy Fine Collins zeroes in on his muses

Kindred Spirits

I Spy …

A Match Made in Hell

More Is More

Skyhorse will seemingly publish anything, from the conspiracist screeds of Roger Stone and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to the canceled essays of Norman Mailer

How to Get Away with Murder

A Fistful of Donald

For $75, you too can buy a gaudy, gold-accented coffee-table book featuring all things Trump. Proceeds go to MAGA and Mar-a-Lago

Worlds Apart

Yes, people who believe the Earth is flat still exist. Here’s how this radical conspiracy movement got its start—and how to get its believers to see the light

Murder, They Wrote

New mystery books by Cara Black, Lucy Foley, and Nina de Gramont, paired with a Georges Simenon classic, take on Paris and Agatha Christie

Diary of a Mad Max

Man of Mystery

Murder-mystery novelist Anthony Horowitz has re-invented the genre. Now he’s tackling screen adaptations and cancel culture

Prison Break

Incarcerated at just 25 years old, Daniel Genis spent a decade behind bars reading everything from Heidegger to Tolkien

Switching Geres

The author of a new book about China and Hollywood reveals how Richard Gere went from A-list to blacklist

The Forgotten Kennedy Matriarch

The Original Walter White