It’s summer and it’s travel season, and if you live on the East Coast of the United States, your travel will likely intersect with I-95, the great interstate that runs from Miami to Maine. Everybody knows it. Everybody hates it. And Rich Cohen explains why. Then Dana Brown will join us from New York to tell us about something that, unlike I-95, will soothe your mind and your stomach—a terrific restaurant that aspires to be, wonderfully, nothing more than that. And finally, Rebecca John joins us from London with her sobering report on how Big Oil companies give millions to cultural institutions from Masterpiece on PBS to the British Museum in order to launder their reputations. Listen by clicking Play below. And be sure to subscribe at Apple Podcasts or Spotify so you don’t miss an episode.

Is the British Museum a Shill for Big Oil?
On this week’s podcast, Rebecca John explains how the oil industry uses the arts to buy our approval