Instagram influencer Coco Lanton looks immaculate in Yandy’s mint-green maillot with transparent sneeze-shield peplum. Behind her, Italian comedian Luca Mastrangelo wears his own mother’s clothes for his latest fashion provocation, Mia Madre, Sta Diventando Crepey (My Mother, She Is Getting Crepey). Meanwhile, eerily handsome actor Ty Knoxx tries to sell Viktor & Rolf’s Pepperoni Pizza on Mars pinny by deploying a Fosse-esque jazz hand.
Sweden’s Miss Universe, Elle Umke, couldn’t be more thrilled about the state of her love life now that she’s wearing her hot-pink sateen bow dress from Sooey Sooey. Meanwhile, Spanish heartthrob Max Manuel, in AT&T’s Outdated Form of Communication tunic, says, “You’ll have to add more coins if you’re going to hold my interest.” Following behind Umke and Manuel is their manager, Scoot Hauser, rapturous in Williams Sonoma’s poo-emoji oven mitt.
As Freud put it, a child’s feces are his “first gift”—so why not wrap that gift as stylishly as possible in Kohler’s luxurious soft-form Commode Shirt, worn here by easily amused actor Dirk Fertig? Meanwhile, model Barbara Chloe winks at her own name while containered in a fresh-from-the-shelf Barbiehaus outfit, and actor Scott Wee finds a third kind of Nirvana—total invisibility—thanks to his seniors-friendly smartphone jumpsuit from the Singularity.
If you thought this year’s event looked like a cross between Halloween and the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards, you aren’t alone. They don’t call it the “Costume” Institute for nothing
Photo illustrations: Chop Choppish Shop. Photo backgrounds: Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images; Stephen Lovekin/Shutterstock; Stephen Lovekin/Shutterstock. Costumes:;; ReneeCho/;; Rasta Imposta/;; Rasta Imposta/;; Rasta Imposta/;