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“I fly south for the winter, and north for the bagels!”
“I got Pfizer, I got Moderna, I got AstraZeneca.”
“No, the billboards are not based on our search history.”
“I’m sorry, honey. But sometimes life is going to treat you fairly.”
“You got this, gents! Sore today, strong tomorrow! Obstacles are opportunities!”
“Remember, son: give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to write search-engine-optimized content, and you feed him for a lifetime.”
“I just keep asking myself, ‘What are we not sniffing?’”
“I prefer the sunset’s earlier, Impressionist work.”
“Yes, yes, we love you, too. What’s your Netflix password?”
“Nope! I’m old, fat, and male—I wouldn’t stand a chance out there.”
“Oh, look—they’re retiring the word ‘unprecedented.’”