There is only one person who can upstage Tom Ford. When his longtime friend Lisa Eisner accompanied him to an Oscars party, in February, the fashion press was agog, not only at the designer’s perfectly fitting tuxedo but at Eisner’s peacock-blue kimono, coral feathered boa, opal jewels of her own design, and bedazzled cat’s-eye sunglasses. (Somewhere, Peggy Guggenheim is smiling.) Eisner, a Los Angeles–based jewelry designer by trade, has long been one of the most stylish women on either coast. And while many have tried to emulate her look and panache, none will ever eclipse it. Those tempted to try should stop by Onna House, in East Hampton, where a selection of Eisner’s pieces (along with work by other female artists) will be shown all month. Herewith, she shares her key components to the good life. —Ashley Baker
Airline: Bumming a free, private ride.
Airport: A small one with no buses to car rentals. Just walk outside and your car is there!
Alibi: “Well, you know I’m a flake.”
App: Audible.
Bag: A crossbody from the Row.
Bedtime: Spread out in bed, surrounded by books, computers, and something streaming.
Bike: A Schwinn Sting-Ray with high-rise handlebars and a long banana seat.

Birthday: Spent in nature.
Breakfast, weekend: Blueberry pancakes.
Car: A Lincoln Continental like my grandfather used to drive.
Dress: Lots of layered jewelry.
Drive: A car trip from Sheridan, Wyoming, to Douglas, Wyoming. I get to curate the Western playlist.
Fit: Not tight.
Hotel: Turtle reserve in Ojai.
Indulgence: An oxygen tank.
Insult: They are just not interesting.
Jacket: Corduroy.
Last Meal: Paella.
Movie: A documentary.
Name: Frankie.
Novel: The Covenant of Water, by Abraham Verghese.
Pants: Vintage Levi’s 501s.
Pet: Pig.
Podcast: The Daily.
Restaurant: Chez Panisse, in Berkeley, California.
Saying: “Bless your buttons,” as my mom used to say.
Shopping experience: Scouring Instagram to find small vintage stores in Idaho or Tennessee. It’s like driving cross-country, hitting all the greatest places—which is my dream!
Singer: Willie Nelson.
STORM: Lightning.
Street: Luckie Road in Wyoming, where I grew up.
Television series: The Sopranos.
Time of day: Sunset.
Vacation SPOT: Santa Fe, during Indian Market.
View: The Tetons.
Wake-up time: Whenever I want. No alarm!
Work of art: My son, Louie Eisner.
Lisa’s Essentials