If Tom Ford weren’t so eminently likable, it would be natural to be just a touch jealous. Who else has managed to conquer the worlds of fashion, beauty, and film while getting sharper (and looking younger) with each passing year? Now he’s stylishly tackling the pesky problem of pollution by launching a new timepiece made entirely of recycled ocean plastic. (Every one purchased removes the equivalent of 35 bottles of waste from our waters.) It’s Tom Ford’s world, and we are lucky to live in it, so it’s no surprise that his take on the good life is especially thoughtful, rarefied, and full of joie de vivre. —Ashley Baker
Airline: Mustique Airways.
Airport: Canouan, in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Alibi: “Oh, I’m so sorry. I was getting Jack online for school.”
App: ShakeAlertLA. It’s not about milkshakes, but it tells you the magnitude of the small earthquake that you just felt in the middle of the night.
Bag: Paper, not plastic.
Bedtime: After The 11th Hour with Brian Williams.
Birthday: Anyone’s but my own.
Boyfriend: I’m too old for that now.
Breakfast, weekday: Two donuts and iced coffee.
Breakfast, weekend: Three donuts and iced coffee.
Car: Raymond Loewy’s Avanti, from the mid-60s. Truly spectacular.
Child: My own, of course.
Cocktail: It used to be a vodka-and-tonic. Now, when I really feel like going wild, it’s a Zevia Cream Soda. Sad, isn’t it?
Cocktail appetizer: A good laugh.
Enemy: Gravity.
Escape: A fun-filled weekend of fasting and colonics.
First Lady: Eleanor Roosevelt. You thought I was going to say Jackie Kennedy, didn’t you?
First Man: Hmmm. Perhaps Chasten Buttigieg. One day …
Last Meal: Five vodka tonics and five cigarettes.
Movie: George Cukor’s The Women. I’m gay.
Pet: A smooth fox terrier named Henry.
Piece of advice: “Why kill yourself today when you can always wait and see what is going to happen tomorrow?” My father taught me that great bit of wisdom.
President: Obama.
Restaurant: Maria’s New Mexican Kitchen, in Santa Fe.
SPOUSE: Richard Buckley.
Second spouse: Isn’t one enough?
Television series: Euphoria.
Theme song to your life: “Slave to Love,” by Bryan Ferry.
Time of day: 5:30 a.m., when everyone else is still asleep.
TURNOFF: Anyone who says, “Awesome.”
Vacation: My bed, all alone for five days.
WATCH: The one I recently designed that’s made entirely of ocean plastic. I’m quite proud of it.
Work of art: Any Brancusi “Oiseau dans l’Espace.”
Writing implement: Erasable pen.
Tom’s Essentials