Stealing God’s Stuff
He is best remembered as the author of the children’s classics Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little. But is E. B. White also the forgotten prophet of our nuclear doom?
Magical Thinking
A retrospective of Remedios Varo’s mystical paintings puts the spotlight on the long-overlooked Surrealist
Changing His Tune
For decades, Jeff Goldblum has been a beloved actor and a sex symbol. Now, at age 70, he’s also becoming a jazz pianist
Dutchman in Dry Dock
Asmik Grigorian redeems Bayreuth’s non-seaworthy Der Fliegende Holländer
Best in Grow
In England, the village show presents a ripe opportunity to show off
Go East, Young Man
The native New Yorker Jamie Bogyo is finding his theatrical niche in London’s classy West End
Horse Sense
Little-known photos by Julian Lloyd hearken back to the Swinging 60s and the electric meeting point of British society, rock ’n’ roll, and, of course, horses
Trinity Rodman
At just 21, the record-breaking soccer star, who happens to be Dennis Rodman’s daughter, is taking the field in the FIFA Women’s World Cup
Move Over, Samson
The long-neglected Henry VIII of Camille Saint-Saëns stages comebacks on two continents
Sommer Nights
Afire, a new German summer film, follows in the unique tradition of Billy Wilder’s People on Sunday
The Making of a Marchioness
The late Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava rejected her glamorous youth for a colorful life spent helping others
Growing Up Basquiat
Friends of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s compare a new exhibition on his life and work with the curious, complicated young artist they came of age with
Business and Pleasure
Forty years after Jackie Collins wrote Hollywood Wives, the hugely popular novel that skewered the Beverly Hills elite, her daughter reflects on the power of Collins’s books—and her insistence on fun at all costs
Dance Therapy
Forty years ago, renowned music photographer Lynn Goldsmith created a cult-hit music album with the help of Carly Simon, Sting … and Warren Beatty
Going After the Gonzo
When the author was sent to visit Hunter S. Thompson—five months before Thompson shot himself—he found a writer trapped inside a legend
Gaëtan Bruel
Ahead of Bastille Day, the French cultural counselor discusses how New York’s Villa Albertine was born, and the novel approach it’s taking to artists’ residency programs
Factory by the Sea
In the summer of 1972, Andy Warhol bought a house in the historic fishing village of Montauk. The town was never the same again
Diving For Treasure
The Met Opera takes up Georges Bizet’s youthful romance Les Pêcheurs de Perles
The Midas Touch
Everything the American soprano Rachel Willis-Sørensen touches turns to gold