In 2024, the final wave of the boomer generation is hitting the big 6-0. When they came of age, in the late 70s and early 80s, they were leaving behind the era of peace and love for what Tom Wolfe would call “the Me Decade.” They’d be the pioneers of disco music, flared pants, multiple divorces, and, dare we mention, cocaine. So, not all bad.

To mark the occasion, AIR MAIL’s brain trust has compared and contrasted the appetites, tastes, and cravings of the boomers’ youthful prime with those of today’s bright young things.

Can the predilections of tech-savvy but emotionally indecisive New York Gen Z–ers, trapped in overpriced, undersized studio apartments, hold a candle to the boomers’ era of massive SoHo lofts, fruit-juice-heavy cocktails, and casual sex (and casual sexism)?

Diana Ross, left, faces off against Olivia Rodrigo.
Aesthetic Outer space Old money
Alternative News Source Spy magazine TikTok
Aspiring … Andy Warhol groupie D.J.
Brand Halston, or anything new Sandy Liang, or anything vintage
Car DeLorean Cadillac Escalade S.U.V.
Celebrity Bianca Jagger Hailey Bieber
Cocktail Harvey Wallbanger, or anything with fruit juice Espresso martini
Coffee Black coffee in a paper cup Earth Glow matcha in a ceramic tea bowl
Destination Tehran Tokyo
Dinner Steak frites Sushi omakase
Dream Job Architect Freelance creative director
Drug Quaaludes (if there’s no cocaine) Cocaine (if there’s no ketamine)
Flaw Loves the patriarchy Fear of missing out
Fight Shut the fuck up! That’s so politically incorrect!
Item of Clothing Skinny tie (men) / Ruffled blouse (women) Cargo pants (men) / Cargo pants (women)
Marriage Multiple Late, or very early
Mecca Union Square Dimes Square
Money drain RadioShack Teddy-bear NFT
Musician Diana Ross Olivia Rodrigo
Nightclub Studio 54 The Nines
Novelist Ken Follett Taylor Jenkins Reid
Original Thought “Sexism might be bad.” “We need to start a creative collective.”
Piece of Advice “Give them a firm handshake.” “Work smart, not hard.”
Politics Socially liberal, fiscally conservative Anarcho-capitalist-socialist-libertarian
Revolutionary Technology The Pill The “like” button
Threat (looming) Nuclear war Climate change
Threat (present) Velvet rope Getting canceled
Topic of Conversation “How’s your stock portfolio doing?” “Where do you buy your chocolate shrooms?”
Unconventional Living Arrangement Rural commune Influencer high-rise
Wine Château Margaux Natural orange wine
Word “Gnarly” “Rizz”
Work of Art Spiral Jetty, by Robert Smithson The Return of the Girls Next Door, by Anna Weyant
Vice Marlboro Red Watermelon Ice Elf Bar vape