Seemingly able to work in everything, everywhere, all at once (sorry, A24), Britt Lower is a TV actress, filmmaker, and performer—between shooting—in the Shoestring Circus. (She credits her mother’s face-painting business for encouraging the pursuit of the latter.) Now the Illinois native stars alongside Adam Scott in Severance—Ben Stiller’s ultra-popular psychological thriller about employees whose brains have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. To celebrate the long-awaited second season of the series, Lower shares her key components to the good life. —Carolina de Armas

Airport: The one near my hometown.
Alibi: “I ran away to the circus.”
App: Marco Polo.
Bag: Pockets are the new bag.
Bedtime: 11:11 p.m.
Bike: The single-speed one I use to bike around Brooklyn.
: Spent wondering and wandering.
: My love.
Breakfast, weekday: Bits and bobs, with espresso.
Car: My 2000 Honda CR-V named “JoJo” that took me across the country and back, twice.
: My inner—and your inner.
: An emotional one.
Cocktail appetizer: Olive you.
Couple: Laverne and Shirley.
Date: A thought experiment.

Dinner, weekday: Soup and a sandwich.
Disguise: Tiger face paint.
: One that can get muddy.
: On country roads, with my windows down.

Running away to the circus.

Excuse: Running away to the circus.
: A group of people learning about love together, also known as a “circus.”
Fit: Feels as great as it looks.
Flaw: Embraced.
Foil: With a baked potato in it.
Friend: One you feel most yourself with.

Good-bye: “See you down the road.”
Hideaway: Running away to the circus.
Hotel: One that has a clawfoot bathtub.
: Alone time.
: Nah.
Jacket: One that’s borrowed.

Kiss-off: Kiss on.
Last Meal: Peanut butter and jelly.
Match: Matcha.
Movie: Love and Basketball.
Name: “Broccoli.”
Neighbor: Gentle.
Nonfiction book: Just Kids, by Patti Smith.
Novel: Franny and Zooey, by J. D. Salinger.

Pair of pants:
Ones you can do a somersault in.

Pair of shoes: Boots with a zip.
Pen or Pencil: Pilot Hi-Tec-C 04 [pen].
: I once had a fish named Tomato.
Piece of advice
: “It’s O.K. to have butterflies. Just get them into formation,” says Connie Link, my high-school drama teacher and speech-team coach.
Podcast: Hidden Brain.
Restaurant: Serves potatoes.
Ride: Biking over the Williamsburg Bridge.
Saying: “Life is funny, bees make honey.”
Singer: My friend Brian Rady.

Storm: Lightning.
Television series
: If I may, Severance.
Theme song to your life
: “Waitress Song,” by First Aid Kit.
Time of day: 11:11 a.m.
Toast: “Be kind to yourself.”
Vacation: Is one letter away from vocation.
View: A lake near a mountain in the middle of a forest.
Wake-up time: A flexible one.
Weekend bag: Filled with pens and snacks.
Work of art: The Shoestring Circus.

Britt’s Essentials

Clockwise from top left: baked potatoes; a copy of Patti Smith’s Just Kids; a unicycle; a platform boot with a zipper by Marc Jacobs; Laverne and Shirley.