In a 1989 episode of Who’s the Boss?, a bright-eyed Tony Danza asks Frank Sinatra, “How does it feel to be worshipped and adored by millions and millions of women?” “Nice,” Sinatra dryly responds. Off-screen, the two men developed a deep friendship, which Danza, a lifelong Sinatra fan, still can’t quite believe. Now Danza honors his idol with a new cabaret show at Café Carlyle, in New York, complete with storytelling, singing, tap dancing, and even a ukulele performance. To celebrate the premiere of Tony Danza: Sinatra & Stories, he shares his key components to the good life. —Clara Molot
Airline: JetBlue.
Airport: Hollywood Burbank Airport, in Los Angeles.
Alibi: “I was exposed to Covid.”
App: Boxing Interval Timer.
Bag: Big, black, leather sling bag—a gift from my talk show.
Bedtime: 11:30 P.M.
Bike: Recumbent.
Birthday: 39.
Boyfriend or girlfriend: Girlfriend.
Breakfast, weekday: Banana and coffee.
Breakfast, weekend: None.
Car: Mini Cooper.
Child: Grandson.
Cocktail: Vodka martini.
Cocktail appetizer: Raw oysters.
Couple: Me and good question.
Date: April 21.
Dinner, weekday: Meatloaf.
Dinner, weekend: Sunday sauce.
Disguise: My mask.
Dress: Short.
Drive: No such thing.
Enemy: Self-doubt.
Escape: Workout.
Excuse: None.
Family: The Camisa family.
First Couple: George and Martha Washington.
Flaw: Temper.
Foil: I don’t have one.
Friend: Bobby Governale.
Good-bye: A hug and a kiss.
Hideaway: My apartment.
Hotel: The Plaza.
Indulgence: Marijuana.
Insult: “You too!”
Jacket: Armani.
Kiss-off: The Italian salute.
Last Meal: Sunday sauce, meatballs, sausage, and braciola.
Lunch, weekday: I don’t eat lunch.
Lunch, weekend: Same.
Match: A beautiful New York City night and sitting outside on Columbus Avenue.
Movie: Don Jon.
Name: Anthony.
Neighbor: The guy next door.
Nonfiction book: Ours Was the Shining Future, by David Leonhardt.
Novel: To Kill a Mockingbird.
Pair of pants: Lululemon.
Pair of shoes: Zzhap.
Pen or Pencil: Pencil.
Pet: No, thanks.
Piece of advice: “Keep your chin down.”
Podcast: PBS NewsHour.
President: Abraham Lincoln.
Restaurant: Manny’s Bistro.
Ride: Coney Island Cyclone.
Saying: “You reap what you sow.”
Second spouse: Tracy.
Singer: Frank Sinatra.
Storm: Mis- and disinformation.
Street: Broadway.
Television series: Taxi.
Theme song to your life: “Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now.”
Time of day: 5:30 A.M.
Toast: A salute.
Vacation: A beach.
Victim: Not me.
View: Central Park.
Wake-up time: 5:30 A.M.
Work of art: My tomato plant.
Tony’s Essentials

Tony Danza: Sinatra & Stories premieres September 10 at Café Carlyle, in the Upper East Side’s Carlyle hotel