As Christine Baranski wraps up the final season of Robert and Michelle King’s critically acclaimed series The Good Fight, she marks the 13th year of appearing continuously on television as Diane Lockhart, the intelligent, stylish, and savvy Chicago attorney who generally manages to come out on top, despite plenty of drama. Baranski has no plans to take an extended vacation anytime soon. Julian Fellowes’s The Gilded Age, in which she stars as 19th-century socialite Agnes van Rhijn, was recently renewed for a second season. Herewith, she shares her key components to the good life. —Ashley Baker
Airline: British Airways.
Airport: Amsterdam.
Alibi: “Grandkids.”
App: Spotify.
Bag: Vintage Ferragamo.
Bedtime: 10 p.m.
Bike: Ducati.
Birthday: Being sung to by those closest to me.
Boyfriend/girlfriend: Intelligent, empathetic, witty.
Breakfast, weekday: Scone, Italian blood-orange marmalade, and strong coffee with cream.
Breakfast, weekend: Same, except the scone has time to go in the oven and warm.
Car: A vintage green MG convertible.
Child: Mine.
Cocktail: A sidecar in Rome, and a martini at Dukes in London.
Cocktail appetizer: Sicilian olives.
Couple: Tom Stoppard and Sabrina Guinness.
Date: My chap.
Diet: Beautiful things.
Dinner, weekday: Fish and salad.
Dinner, weekend: Pasta.
A witch.
Dress: Vintage Saint Laurent.
Drive: The Amalfi Coast.
Escape: Kenya.
Excuse: “I had to babysit.”
Family: Mine.
Hideaway: Not telling.
Hotel: Duc de Saint-Simon, in Paris.
Indulgence: Dark-chocolate ice cream.
Movie: Lawrence of Arabia.
Nonfiction book: Civilisation: A Personal View, by Kenneth Clark.
Novel: The Portrait of a Lady, by Henry James.
Pet: A big, gentle dog.
Piece of advice: “Forget, forgive, move on.”
President: George Washington.
Restaurant: La Crémaillère 1900, in Paris.
Ride: The road home.
Saying: “I wake up expecting things.” —Fleur Cowles
SHOES: Ferragamo pumps.
Singer: Dame Janet Baker.
Television series: The Honeymooners.
Theme song to your life: “This Is It,” by Kenny Loggins.
Time of day: Sunset.
Toast: “Na zdrowie!”
Vacation: Italy.
View: Val d’Orcia.
Wake-up time: Six a.m.
Weekend bag: Hermès.
Work of art: Bernini’s Ecstasy of Saint Teresa.
Christine’s Essentials