To many, a cigar is often just a cigar. You smoke one, offered on, say, a special occasion, and nod your head and say, “Mmm, this is great!”—without knowing a thing about what makes it so. Fortunately for the uninformed, the newly launched brand Mavros has created a cigar so unique that anybody can appreciate its taste and texture. They’re called Revolucionario Especiales and were developed and fine-tuned over several years to mimic the smoke of choice for Mexico’s revolutionary generals back in 1910. The flavor palate—chocolate, spice, caramel, and coffee—is largely sweet but takes a spicy turn once smoked down to the band, at which point it tastes like an entirely different cigar. Go buy yourself a box, light one up, and you’ll be talking like an aficionado, and perhaps a revolucionario too, by the time you tamp it out. ( —Alex Oliveira

Together Together
As the actor Jack Lemmon once wryly pointed out, “It’s hardest of all to write a drama with comedy. Which is what life is.” With these words in mind, writer and director Nikole Beckwith’s sophomore film, Together Together, is all the more insightful and impressive. The setup is fresh. Anna, played effortlessly by Patti Harrison, is a twentysomething barista who agrees to be a surrogate for Matt—Ed Helms—a middle-aged app developer yet to find the one. Propelled by the awkwardness and intrusiveness of ultrasound appointments, pre-natal groups, and baby showers, the story allows for poignant explorations of family, friendship, and fulfillment in the modern age. ($7, —Bridget Arsenault

Too Good to Go
A whopping 30 to 40 percent of food produced in the U.S. goes to the landfill. It’s wasted, in part because restaurants, bakeries, and the like have a daily surplus, an amount that is too small to go to a charitable food bank but that nonetheless has a detrimental impact—around 8 percent of global greenhouse-gas emissions are methane emitted from discarded food. This app aims to cut back that figure for the good of the environment while cutting costs for users. It’s simple: participating restaurants collect the day’s unsold food into “surprise bags” that users then pick up and purchase at deep discounts, making it a pared-down alternative to similar platforms, which tend to offer specific items. It’s also effective. Since debuting in 2016, Too Good to Go has saved nearly 75 million meals across its 15 participating countries. The U.S. launch, last September, has already seen promising results, with more than 1,500 restaurants on board, 200,000 meals diverted from the dump, and thousands of emissions averted from the atmosphere. ( —Clementine Ford

Summerill & Bishop
Over lockdown, table setting became a prominent interest for me. So the latest collection from this London-based brand has us splurging. Designers June Summerill and Bernadette Bishop specialize in the kind of cozy, colorful tableware that is especially welcome when used alfresco. Made in Portugal from a beautiful linen, this tablecloth features a hand-painted stripe pattern, and looks best when paired with matching napkins, a colorful meal, and some freshly picked flowers. We’re particularly enamored of the the avocado-green variety. ($368, —Ashley Baker