Social distancing got you longing to return, like me, to one of those nights that now seem so long ago, a night where you could go to one of your favorite haunts, the kind where everybody knows your name? Then you’ll be glad to know that the entire run of Cheers is available on Netflix. In the past few weeks, my wife and I have taken to watching one or two episodes each evening (we started with Episode One, Season One, and I suggest you do, too) before turning out the lights. With familiar faces sharing fantastic witticisms we still remember and treasure, the show has become a comforting reminder of what we love, and what we can’t wait to get back to. ( —Michael Hainey

Ektachrome Film
Since the invention of the digital camera, film companies have not just stopped introducing new products—they’ve discontinued existing ones. And so, when Kodak announced in 2017 that it would be reviving Ektachrome, it was celebrated as a hopeful milestone for the once favored film, which showed the world to the world throughout the 20th century. With its metallic sheen and its accentuation of blues and vibrant colors, the film was favored by magazine photographers. It became ubiquitous in the pages of National Geographic and even helped capture Neil Armstrong as he took his first steps across the surface of the moon. The start of a new era of film photography (we hope), Ektachrome is available for 35-mm. cameras, as well in both 16-mm. and Super 8 motion-picture formats. (starting at $15, —Alex Oliveira

Talking Sopranos
The Sopranos is probably the most universally beloved of so-called prestige television, conflating the American family drama with tales of Italian-American Mafia. In the podcast Talking Sopranos, Michael Imperioli and Steve Schirripa, who, respectively, played Christopher Moltisanti and Bobby Baccalieri in the HBO series, watch the show for the first time since its 2007 finale, giving an episode-by-episode breakdown. Listening to the two actors exchange stories and go over scenes is what I imagine it’s like to hang outside Satriale’s Pork Store, without the looming threat of violence. It’s very comforting, full of affectionate ball-breaking and insights as sharp as Dr. Melfi’s. ( —Clementine Ford

Block G at Bletchley Park
Looking for a place to house your start-up? You could do worse than HQ’ing it in the U.K.’s storied Bletchley Park, where intrepid British cryptographers and code breakers such as Alan Turing worked to crack Nazi communications during W.W. II. Part of the landmark property was turned into a national museum some years ago, but now the government is looking to let go of a parcel of buildings, and seeking a minimum bid of $4.9 million. ( —Michael Hainey