As Piper Chapman, the likable party girl turned street-savvy prisoner in the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black, Taylor Schilling has brought the complexities of incarceration to the forefront of the cultural conversation. Ever since the show’s debut, in 2013, Schilling’s talents have been in high demand, and she has dabbled in everything from sex comedies (The Overnight, alongside Adam Scott) to dystopian science fiction (The Titan). Now, Schilling plays a bipolar woman who is slowly losing control of herself in “Plainfield, Illinois,” an episode of Monsterland, a new psychological thriller that’s streaming on Hulu. —Ashley Baker
Airport: A memory …
Bag: My pockets.
Bedtime: A constant negotiation.
Breakfast, weekday: Steel-cut oats with walnuts and blueberries.
Date: Medjool.
DIET: Anti.
Disguise: I can’t tell you.
Drive: The one that heads home.
Enemy: White supremacy.
Escape: The ocean.
“It’s the Wi-Fi here.”
Family: A chosen one.
Foil: Large crowds.
Good-bye: “Until next time.”
Hideaway: The bathtub.
Insult: “I’m rubber and you’re glue … ”
Jacket: Balmain.
Last meal: Tofu and cherry tomatoes.
Movies: Frances, WALL-E, and The Social Dilemma.
Neighbor: Mister Rogers.
Nonfiction book: The Mystic in the Theatre: Eleonora Duse, by Eva Le Gallienne.
Piece of advice: “When you change the way you’re looking at things, what you’re looking at changes.”
Podcast: The Daily.
Ride: Roller-coaster.
Television series: The Vow.
Wake-up time: A constant negotiation.
Writing implement: Pilot Precise V5.
Taylor’s Essentials