In Svalbard, Norway, 700 miles south of the North Pole, 60 percent of the land is covered by glaciers, polar night reigns from November to February, and the polar bear is king. A new book by Fredrik Granath and Melissa Schäfer sheds light on this remote place, where an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 polar bears hunt ringed seals and where climate change is at its most evident. “Anyone who doubts the power of human beings to change our planet’s climate should take a look at the home of the polar bear.... It has literally begun to melt away,” write the authors in the prologue of Polar Tales, familiar words made poignant by the arresting photographs of the Arctic magic—bears, walruses, seals, ice—at risk. —Julia Vitale
80 Degrees North
A dazzling Arctic archipelago home to walruses and polar bears is at the mercy of our warming planet
October 10, 2020
Reading Time: 1 minute