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The Arts Intel Report

Monica Bonvicini: As Walls Keep Shifting

Dec 3, 2019 – Feb 2, 2020
Corso Castelfidardo, 22, 10138 Torino TO, Italy

“Little solace comes to those who grieve,” writes Mark Z. Danielewski in his novel, House of Leaves, “when thoughts keep drifting as walls keep shifting and this great blue world of ours seems a house of leaves moments before the wind.” Inspired by Danielewski’s words, Monica Bonvicini has constructed the skeletal frame of a typical 1960s Italian townhouse—but only half of it. The towering and spidery wooden structure opens on sculptures and a chilling photo series. Masterfully, Bonvicini draws attention to the isolation that can pervade our notion of home. —E.C.