The Troubles began in the late 1960s and mostly took place in Northern Ireland. Many people think of the conflict as Catholic versus Protestant, but it really had to do with national status: Would Northern Ireland be part of the United Kingdom or part of Ireland? Bombings, unrest, rioting, and paramilitary activity took hold in earnest in June 1970, and didn’t cease until the Good Friday Agreement, in 1998. This exhibition examines those deadly decades through archival material, images, and testimony from those who participated in the conflict. The show also asks, What does the future look like? —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Northern Ireland: Living With the Troubles

A soldier on patrol walks past IRA graffiti sprayed onto a wall in Newry, County Down.
May 26, 2023 – Jan 7, 2024
Photo: © IWM