Humpty Dumpty was written by Eric Bogosian in 2000, and premiered in Princeton, New Jersey, in 2002. According to The New York Times, the play “combines elements of Stephen King with a dollop of Lord of the Flies.” Like so much of Bogosian’s work it turns a merciless eye on social tropes and entitlements. Here, two high-maintenance coastal couples meet for a high-end week in the Adirondacks. When the power goes out in three counties, not only does the luxury disappear but rudimentary living becomes a challenge. And when people who are used to control suddenly lose control … watch out! Bogosian has been a first-class satirist and actor since he came on the scene in the 1980s. Never miss a chance to see Bogosian onstage. —Laura Jacobs
The Arts Intel Report
Glass. Kill. What If If Only. Imp.

Playwright Eric Bogosian.
Apr 3 – May 4, 2025
Photo: © Larry Horricks
American Museum of Natural History