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The Arts Intel Report

A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler

Dan Tana's

The dining room at Dan Tana’s.

9071 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069, United States

Only fools believe the old adage that no one goes to Dan Tana’s for the food. Veal scaloppini? Steak and peppers? A chicken parm as big as a hubcap? In a town where comfort is rare as the rain, Dan Tana’s keeps them coming back by serving up food that makes anyone believe they are tucking in for a meal at an old friend’s home. In a city without pity, Dan Tana’s knows how to treat (and feed) people right. And with its wood-paneled walls and red banquettes that feel like they were boosted from a joint on Arthur Ave. back when the place opened 60 years ago, Tana’s snug room feels like a bit of New York City gone West. But thanks to guys like George Clooney who swing by for dinner, it’s always buzzy as hell. —Michael Hainey

Michael Hainey is a Writer at Large at AIR MAIL and co-hosts AIR MAIL’s weekly podcast, Morning Meeting

Photo courtesy of Dan Tana’s