Born in 1967, Sandra Vásquez de la Horra grew up in Chile during Augusto Pinochet’s military regime. In the 1990s she moved to Germany, and this, according to the curator Raphael Fonseca, fundamentally shaped her voice. Vásquez de la Horra created “her own artistic language,” Fonseca says, “immersed in Latin American history as well as traditional European artistic traditions.” Playing with language (English, German, Italian, Spanish, and Latin), she combines the serious with the absurd, fantasy with reality, and desire with violence—all ways to challenge hidebound views on society and the human body. For instance, her art often represents female bodies blending into surrealistic landscapes. “The Awake Volcanoes,” Vásquez de la Horra’s first solo show in a U.S. museum, displays 193 drawings, paintings, and sculptures from four decades. —Jeanne Malle
The Arts Intel Report
The Awake Volcanoes: Sandra Vásquez de la Horra

Sandra Vásquez de la Horra, Erupciones (Eruptions), 2019.
Apr 7 – July 21, 2024
Photo: Eric Tschernow