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The Arts Intel Report

Betye Saar: Drifting Toward Twilight

Betye Saar at her exhibition “Drifting Towards Twilight.”

1151 Oxford Rd, San Marino, CA 91108

“I’m the kind of person who recycles materials,” says the assemblage artist Betye Saar, “but I also recycle emotions and feelings.” Saar’s art—found objects arranged in frames, boxes, and tableaux—can seem as homespun as a folktale, but the tale she tells is shadowed by racial and sexual oppression. Now 97, Saar is unveiling Drifting Toward Twilight—a 17-foot-long installation. Combining a vintage canoe with birdcages, antlers, and other ephemera from the Huntington’s grounds, it should be spectacular. —Elena Clavarino

Photo: Joshua White/ Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens