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The Arts Intel Report

Nick Knight: Roses from My Garden

July 4 – Oct 25, 2020
Waddesdon, Aylesbury HP18 0JH, United Kingdom

The rose—a simile of choice for poets through the ages. But have roses ever been as metaphorical as they become in the large-scale, still life photography of Nick Knight? A cluster of deep pink roses suggests an erotic bower of bliss. A cascade of palest pinks, a Dior ballgown. Blown white roses—a brooding thunderhead. These gorgeous images draw their poise from 16th- and 17th-century painting, and their light from modern technology: they were photographed on an iPhone, then filtered through software. —L.J.

Nick Knight, “Monday 29th May,” 2017 © Nick Knight Courtesy of the Artist and Albion Barn.