Osgemeos means “the twins” in Portuguese. The artists Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo are identical twins, so that’s what they’ve called their artistic collective. The two grew up in Sao Paolo in the 1970s and 80s. As children they created a mystical universe and called it “Tritez.” It was a world in which colorful figures navigated a mashup of American hip-hop, graffiti, and nature. When they got older, the twins channelled their vision into a multidisciplinary practice that comments on their upbringing in urban Brazil. Large-scale paintings on wood and canvas, sculptures, and staggering installations that pair music and light are all part of their oeuvre. In their first U.S. museum survery, a whopping 1,000 artworks will be on view. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Osgemeos: Endless Story
1980, by Osgemeos.
Until Aug 3
Independence Ave SW &, 7th St SW, Washington, DC 20560, United States
Photo: Filipe Berndt/© OSGEMEOS