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The Arts Intel Report

Lucy Laucht

Lucy Laught, Napoli.

June 28 – Sept 27, 2024
8 Holland Flagship, Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1H 9AB, United Kingdom

When Lucy Laucht was a child she went on visits to her grandfather’s house, which had walls covered in frescoes of the Bay of Naples. The old man told her stories about his time living in Bari, Italy, and she dreamt of one day going there herself. Now living in Cornwall, England, and working as a professional photographer, Laucht finally journeyed to Italy last year. She began in the South, taking photos of the beaches and lemon trees in Sicily, and slowly working her way up to Ischia, where she shot the Pontile Aragonese. Laucht then traveled up to Puglia and the Aeolian and Egadi Islands, where fisherman and locals lounge on deck chairs, play cards, and drink espressos. These images are part of Laucht’s new book, Il Dolce Far Niente: The Italian Way of Summer (the first part of the title means “the sweetness of doing nothing”). Photographs from the series are on view at Eight Holland Street Gallery. —Elena Clavarino

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