The English playwright Tom Kempinski is best known for his 1980 play Duet for One. Inspired by the life of the acclaimed cellist Jacqueline du Pré, the story revolves around Stephanie Anderson, a renowned concert violinist who is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. As the disease steals Anderson’s ability to play, her world unravels and she is abandoned by both her pupil and her husband. Six years after the play’s debut, Kempinski adapted his work into a film starring Julie Andrews and Alan Bates. A new production is now on in London. Tara Fitzgerald, beloved for her performance in Game of Thrones, takes on the leading role. —Jensen Davis
The Arts Intel Report
Duet for One
From left, Tara Fitzgerald, Gabriela Opacka-Boccadoro, and Maureen Beattie in Duet for One.
Feb 11 – Mar 18, 2023
Photo: Helen Murray