“You know, lots of artists did make jewelry exceptionally for a woman beside them. It was never a matter of money or a commercial matter. And that was what interested me most because it was an intimate story.” Indeed, the piece that spurred Diane Venet’s extraordinary collection of artists’ jewelry was her own engagement ring, a bar of silver her husband-to-be, the Conceptual artist Bernar Venet, wrapped around her finger. Venet’s collection now numbers more than 200 pieces, crafted by over 140 of the most influential artists of the 20th and 21st centuries. Highlights of this exhibition in Palm Beach include charms by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, headpieces by Man Ray and Hiroshi Sugimoto, and accessories by Dorothea Tanning and Salvador Dalí. “What I love about artists’ jewelry is that nothing is perfect,” Venet explains. “There’s a trace of the human touch.” —Carolina de Armas
The Arts Intel Report
Artists' Jewelry: From Cubism to Pop, the Diane Venet Collection

Pablo Picasso, Le Grand Faune pendant, 1973.
Apr 12 – Oct 5, 2025