After co-founding Industrie magazine, Erik Torstensson launched Frame in 2012 with a single aim: to create the perfect pair of skinny jeans. Now, as the supermodel-beloved brand celebrates its 10th anniversary (with a first-of-its-kind collaboration with the Ritz Paris, no less), it’s safe to say that Torstensson—who oversees collections, photographs campaigns, and even designs the furniture found in stores—has achieved his vision in spades. And yet, the Swedish farm boy-turned-New York creative powerhouse shows no signs of slowing down: in addition to Frame, he and his partner, Jens Grede, helm 12 companies, touching everything from sales to art direction and public relations. In the rare moments he pauses, he can be found at the English estate he shares with Net-a-Porter founder Natalie Massenet and their four-year-old son. Here, he spotlights the items that fill their home—and more of his must-haves
Photo: Guy Aroch (Torstensson)
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