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Pump Me Up

Good-bye, cardio. For a real transformation, everyone’s switching to heavy weights—and building a butt

Hunger Games

Ozempic and Mounjaro aren’t the only ways to curb your appetite. Outsmart it in nine easy steps

Crank Up the Heat

Don’t even think about stripping down to your sports bra—the latest fitness fixation is all about raising your body temperature

Ozempic or Bust

In the age of weight-loss drugs, who needs willpower?

Magic in a Bottle

After decades of drinking Diet Coke, fans have made it a hot topic. Is it toxic, a harmless vice, or something in between?

Taste the Rainbow

A high-fiber diet can transform the gut, reduce the risk of disease, lower cholesterol, and balance blood sugar. Here’s exactly how to hack it

Extreme Body Makeovers

Dr. Ryan Neinstein’s kneecap-to-neck approach to surgery nearly bisects the waist and requires a four-week recovery. Yet people are scrambling for a slot on his schedule

Addicted to Thin

For my entire life, I was an expert in restrictive eating. And when Mounjaro came along, I embraced that, too. So why do I feel so lost?

Jennifer Aniston’s Body of Work

The actress reveals the fitness trends she’s tested, loved, and abandoned

Dairy, Free!

New research suggests that butter and cheese are not as demonic as we once thought

Muscle Madness

Jazzercise, Buns of Steel, Zumba: the latest workouts take ridiculous names to new highs … and lows

Body Snatcher

For those of us who find eating to be a fraught proposition, Ozempic can mean freedom. So why have we decided the shot is shameful?

Come On In. The Water’s Miserable!

Do cold plunges hold the keys to longevity and weight loss? Our brave writer prepares to freeze

You’re Too Sweet!

No, those aren’t nicotine patches you’re seeing on the toned arms at Pilates class. Continuous glucose monitors are the latest tool to increase energy, metabolism, and maybe even longevity

The $2 Million Makeover

Fast cars and sexy girlfriends are so last season. Now the new midlife crisis is all about hormone infusions, nutrigenomics, and intermittent fasting